Sunday, July 1, 2012

Bitchfest 101 - The Woes of Student Housing

At the end of March, Kaitlyn, Daniela, and I moved into a new apartment closer to downtown Hamburg. I really enjoyed it for the first two months, but then things seemed to go downhill in a hurry...

* The No-Water, No-Bathroom Saga: Sometime last month, I returned from the gym hot, sweaty, and ready to shower. I went into the bathroom, put my stuff down, turned on the water...and there was no water. So I went back to my room and checked my sink - no water. I went into the kitchen - no water. Huh? We knew that construction was taking place in the building, and we were aware that we might lose water for a few hours, but what they failed to tell us was that we would have no water for three days. Thanks for the heads up! So I got to sit in my room for 8 hours smoldering in my own sweat only to find out that the water wasn't coming back on. Boy was I a happy camper! Skipping ahead one month...I finally have water, but now I have no bathroom. The brilliant people at university housing decided it would be a great idea to redo our bathroom right before finals. So our hall has been bathroom-less for two weeks. Construction is "supposed" to be finished by the end of this week, but when does construction ever finish on time? Not only are we bathroom-less, but I get woken up every morning between 7-8am by saws, drills, and machinery. And to top it off, it's completely impossible to successfully study in my room during the day because of the loud music and non-stop talking. Finals are stressful enough without the added expense of living in a construction zone.

* The No-Subway Saga: Beginning on June 7th, the subway that ran past my apartment was closed for construction. So what used to be a 9 minute commute to the university is now a 30 minute commute complete with a bus replacement service. Construction on the subway won't end until August, so unfortunately I will never again reep the benefits of living next to a subway. It now takes me the same amount of time to get to school as it did from my old apartment (completely negating the purpose of switching apartments in the first place).

* The Fly Infestation Saga: When I returned home from Spring Break, I found our kitchen, hallway, and bathroom to be completely infested with flies. Big, black, nasty house flies. One of the things I inherited from my mom was the need for a clean house (not to the same extent, but it's definitely in my blood), so this completely grossed me out. I had no idea where they all came from, and I had no idea how to get rid of them. And let me tell you - when I say infested, I literally mean that there was over 100 flies in our kitchen. It was the nastiest thing ever. Every time you walked into the kitchen they swarmed at your head. And every time you cooked food you had to hover over it and swat away the persistent ones. After one week of living with the problem, I took matters into my own hands. I found a fly swatter and went on a massive fly killing rampage. In the course of 1 hour, I killed over 80 flies. Some of my most memorable kills include killing two flies mid-mating, killing a fly in mid air with my bare hands (Karate Kid style!), and watching as a fly bee-lined into my soup and drowned to death. I had a grand ol' time digging him out. There are still a lot of flies in the apartment, but I've given up trying to kill them all. Plus, the fly swatter randomly disappeared and no one knows where it went.

There's not a whole lot I can do about these unfortunate events other then grin and bear it, but I find it quite humorous that they all happened at once. So in the course of one week not only did I lose my bathroom and my subway, but I also tripled my commute time and had to deal with an infestation of flies. And to cap off the wonderful month of June, I ended up getting food poisoning from chicken and have spent the past 24 hours curled up in pain...not having a bathroom close by posed an even larger annoyance then usual ;-). Tschüss!

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