Saturday, January 14, 2012

Update to Lüneburg, Germany:

I must have been half asleep when I wrote my last post, because I forgot to mention the most important memory from Lüneburg! On the way back, Daniela decided she wanted to sit on the top level of a double decker train. Why? I'm not sure, but we did. Enter story: About 10 minutes into the train ride, a woman came by to look at our tickets. Now, our experience with German transportation up until this point had been strictly limited to the subway, so we weren't quite sure how the entire train system worked. Before we left for Lüneburg, we talked to a representative at the desk and asked how to buy tickets. He handed us two sheets of paper, and told us we were all set. So, silly us, we thought those were our tickets!! Apparently, it was just our itinerary. The woman started to get really angry at us, claiming we didn't pay for our tickets etc, etc. She was technically correct, we didn't pay for the tickets, but the man behind the counter told us we were all set! Unfortunately, she didn't speak great English, and our German is less then perfect ;). After about 5 minutes of a somewhat intimidating scream session, we finally showed her our student IDs which turned out to be our real train tickets. Ahh, silly us! We knew that the student IDs got us part of the way there, but we learned in those few valuable minutes that it got us all the way there for free! So, with the woman no longer accusing us of not paying for the ride, she informed us that we were sitting in the first class cabin and had to move. I figured we would just go downstairs, but apparently the entire car was only first class seating. She wanted us to jump trains while it was moving!! It seriously freaked me out because I was in the front of the line and didn't know what to expect when I opened the door. But, when an angry ticket person tells you to jump, you jump! How brave of us :)

As a side note, for those of you who were having trouble commenting before, I changed the settings on my  blog so you should be able to comment now without hassle!

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