Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Pre-Departure Excitement

After months of planning, the start of my seven month adventure in Hamburg is only four days away! I leave for Europe on the night of December 31st and will be mid-Atlantic for the start of the new year. I honestly cannot think of a cooler way to start 2012 then on a plane en route to Europe. How awesome would it be if they gave us a champagne toast at the stroke of midnight? I fly to London alone, then will meet up with two other meteorology exchange students and continue on to Hamburg as a group. 

I start my German language course at the Colon Language Center on January 2nd. This course will meet 5 hours a day, 5 days a week, for 3 months. By the end of the course, I hope to have a basic understanding of conversational German. Although it will require a lot of hard work, I know it will be an extremely rewarding experience.

I leave you with two photos I took of Hamburg from the top of St. Michaelis Church when I visited the city last August. I hope everyone has a safe and happy new year. 



  1. Happy New year! Have the time of your life, study hard, play hard and be safe. we all love you the Plourdes

  2. Happy to hear you arrived safely! Sorry we missed your calls.


  3. Miss you already! Can't wait to see pictures of your apartment and hear all about your first day. Talk to you soon. Love, Mom

  4. Happy to hear you have turned into world traveler and you are enjoying your time in Europe. Now for the key question - how many stamps have you managed to collect??

  5. Sounds like quite an adventure! I would like to think that your 21st trip to Vegas helped prepare you for this :) Good times. Have fun, stay safe and keep the posts coming. Love reading about all your experiences!
    Aunt Laura
