Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Pre-Departure Excitement

After months of planning, the start of my seven month adventure in Hamburg is only four days away! I leave for Europe on the night of December 31st and will be mid-Atlantic for the start of the new year. I honestly cannot think of a cooler way to start 2012 then on a plane en route to Europe. How awesome would it be if they gave us a champagne toast at the stroke of midnight? I fly to London alone, then will meet up with two other meteorology exchange students and continue on to Hamburg as a group. 

I start my German language course at the Colon Language Center on January 2nd. This course will meet 5 hours a day, 5 days a week, for 3 months. By the end of the course, I hope to have a basic understanding of conversational German. Although it will require a lot of hard work, I know it will be an extremely rewarding experience.

I leave you with two photos I took of Hamburg from the top of St. Michaelis Church when I visited the city last August. I hope everyone has a safe and happy new year. 
